ONEVISION e.V. believe on Sustainability and Joint Development. With this perspective, ONEVISION e.V.brings hope and light to migrant women, children and young people living in Germany and in Africa through 4 pillars:
Every donation is precious!
To support our work in integration, education, empowerment and networking, any donation is welcome. Donations are an important way of encouraging us and enabling us to carry out our various projects and actions. You can decide for yourself the amount and frequency of your donations. We thank you in advance for your donations and your engagement!
Get an internship!
An internship is short-term work experience offered by companies and other organisations to individuals, usually but not always students, to enable them to gain initial experience in a particular sector or field. It's as much a learning experience as a job. To help us in our various areas of work, we offer the opportunity to complete an internship lasting at least three months. If you are interested in an internship and learning experience, please send your CV and covering letter to
Get involved in our organisation!
Volunteering is the act of providing work free of charge to give back to the community or support a non-profit organisation. By volunteering, you can help us work towards sustainability and support our causes and actions. We look forward to welcoming you to our team and network. If you are interested, please send us an email with a detailed description of your motivation and your contribution to
Growing together through Integration, Education, Empowerment and Networking

The Settlement and Integration Program assists immigrants and their families to learn about German’s systems and services. We offer opportunities for immigrants to develop language skills, learn about German’s labour market, network, and develop professional and social networks and settle in Germany. Once they are well integrated, they become Ambassadors of their home country and can better support the development of their country and a better future for their families and communities. In doing so, they contribute to no poverty (SDG1) and zero hunger (SDG 2).

Skills development is about identifying individual skills gaps and developing these skills. Your competencies determine your ability to execute plans and achieve your goals. ONEVISION e.V. offers training and skills development to young people and staff of organisations in the form of both formal and non-formal education. Citizenship comes with rights and responsibilities. The right to vote and be voted for in our democratic dispensation is just one example. Most African individuals feel very alienated from the system and are often not engaged. This is a direct result of systemic racism and discrimination. These two evils destroy human souls and make us less engaged. ONEVISION e.V. is working to change that. Using events, festivals, and other programs ONEVISION e.V. encourages community participation in civic and democratic discourses. We have seen an increase in the number of African candidates for municipal, provincial and federal elections. Previous elections also saw an increase in voter turnout from the African community. This is an initiative we will continue to invest resources in. In doing so, they contribute to the achievement of the Quality education (SDG 4), the gender equality (SDG 5) and Decent work and economic growth (SDG 8).

ONEVISION E.V. acts in the promotion of active integration and social cohesion through the empowerment of migrants in society. When youth are “empowered,” they have the skills, critical awareness, and opportunities to positively impact their own lives and the lives of other individuals, organizations, and communities. Through ONEVISION E.V., migrants received the necessary instruments to shape their lives actively and to become participating and contributing members of the host society. Through empowerment, people feel more confidence, and this ensure health lives and promote well-being for all (SDG 3).

One of the best things you can offer to your association members is the opportunity to network. After all, they join your association to grow individually, socially, professionally, and advance in their careers. What better way to do that than to meet people who share the same goal, objective, work in the same industry and make lasting, mutually beneficial connections? Networking involves meeting new people who share the same vision, lives the same challenges, speak with one voice and work together for their goals. In addition, for many individuals/organisations it is important to feel they are not alone and are working together for something. Individuals and organisations often benefit from networks/associations because they offer access to financial resources, information, and often also development opportunities. Forming these relationships can help individuals/organisations expand their circle of contacts, find new clients, find new job opportunities, and stay on top of the latest news and best practices in their field. This networking opportunity also creates opportunities for partnership for common goals (SDG 17).
From our blog

Get in touch
Virchow Str.
34, 67550 Worms, Germany
Phone : +49 1521 6415561
Email :
MON-FRI 09:00 – 19:00
SAT-SUN 10:00 – 14:00